I'm lost
in my own nightmare

Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Time: 2:02 PM

hahas good news, i've got over 110 people doing my quiz! wooooow~ maybe I can become famous or something o.O .
The hard part was the results. Because the anime doesn't really say much about the characters other than their "surface self". Through this quiz I realised their deeper selves. And that Light isn't really that bad after all. I mean, if I had a death note, I'll probably do the same thing.
Near was much kinder than L, because he didn't wanted to sacrifice anyone. No one really realizes that L is actually quite dramatic and deep down inside, he doesn't really want to be alone. He died because he wanted to believe in Light; because he wanted a friend. And Misa and Mello wasn't as bad as I thought. Mello DID helped Near after all...

So yeah, After thinking [ a lot ], I kinda noticed stuff that I've never really seen before.. Anyway, I hoped you guys enjoyed it, as I enjoyed doing it too!

Hmm, maybe I should do " which hunterXhunter character are you?" next. Suggest some ideas to me, okay?
PS: my 2nd part of Stairway conversations will be continued at around this thursday.
Lol big text are fun XD.

Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Time: 3:11 PM
Story I've created

i've created a story; at least part of it. It's here : http://www.quizilla.com/stories/8279487/stairway-conversations
Well, its the first ever online story i've created. So please tell me what you think. I've also got poems and stuff there..

ohh yah, visit my avatar too. its a very cute and interesting game XD : http://www.crunchyroll.com/crunchyland/create_avatar?referral_id=160404

Date: Monday, November 17, 2008
Time: 9:13 PM
Knowing [ poem ]

I always wanted to know
How it would be like if I weren't here
or rather how it would be like
to see myself though other people's eyes.

Or to dream about you in my sleep
wishing that you'll stay there forever
but to wake up and notice
that dreams are nothing but opposites of reality.

Or maybe just reading about Shakespeare's poetry
and thinking about his question, " To be or not to be? "
and whether or not it is really a question
when it could actually be an answer to one of earth's mysteries.

But what I really wanted to know
is the reason of my living
and my purpose in life.

Sadly for me
Those are the questions that will never get any answers.

By Pei Zhen